The Albert Einstein Legacy Society

Albert Einstein College of Medicine was founded in 1953 as the only medical institution upon which Albert Einstein bestowed the honor of his name, welcoming students of all creeds and races, and creating a lasting legacy. Einstein is a premier, research-intensive medical school dedicated to leading biomedical investigation and the development of ethical and compassionate physicians and scientists. To honor the people who have planned for the future of Einstein, building on its rich history and accomplishments, we have established The Albert Einstein Legacy Society.
Legacy gifts are a meaningful way both to honor and support Einstein's history of medical education and research as well as to provide potential financial or tax benefits to you and your family. There are many ways you can make a planned gift, from including Einstein in your estate plans to choosing Einstein as a beneficiary on financial assets, including your IRA, life insurance or stock portfolio. We are here to assist you by exploring options, both for the type of planned gift as well as for the purpose you would like to support.
In gratitude for our Einstein Legacy Society members, we are pleased to offer the following benefits:
- Invitation to the Einstein Legacy Society and leadership donor events
- Email and/or mail subscriptions to Einstein publications
- Regular news, updates, and event invitations from Einstein
All you need do to join this new society is to let us know of your plans. By informing us of your intention to support Einstein, you secure your membership in The Albert Einstein Legacy Society and allow us to celebrate your generosity.
If you'd like to join the society, but remain anonymous, please just let us know and we will honor your request.
To explore options with complete confidentiality, please reach out to Dorea Ferris, Senior Director of Planned Giving at or call her at 718-430-3594.
Legacy Society Member List
In February of 2023, Albert Einstein College of Medicine introduced The Albert Einstein Legacy Society. Its purpose is to recognize those individuals—friends, alumni, faculty, and staff—who have pledged their support for the College of Medicine's mission by making a legacy gift to Einstein in their estate plans. Over 100 members were recognized by the society in its inaugural year:
- Marc N. Abo, MD
- Scott and Jill Alintoff
- Mr. and Mrs. Philip Altheim
- Ina K. Bendis, PhD
- Ian D. Benham, MD
- Pauline Brenholz-Pollack, MD
- Mitchell Brown
- Martin H. Brownstein, MD
- Sandra L. Blethen Chasalow, MD
- Andrew B. Cohen
- Martin N. Cohen, MD
- Dr. Jack and Mrs. Nancy Cook
- Steven D. Edbril, MD
- Daniel Ein, MD
- Dr. Alvin H. Strelnick and Ms. Deborah A. Ellis
- Melvin T. Featherstone, MD
- Gary S. Feldstein, MD
- Paula Fishman
- Richard S. Frankenstein, MD, MACP
- Ruth Freeman, MD
- Suzanne R. Fried, MD
- Nancy L. Friedman
- Rosella L. Garcia
- Emanuel Genn
- Naomi Habel
- Howard Koeppel and Mark A. Hsiao
- Marilyn and Stanley M. Katz
- Bruce Kinch
- Robert S. Lee, MD
- Sidney Levitsky, MD
- Gary Z. Lotner, MD
- Joyce H. Lowinson, MD
- Robert S. Lupi, MD
- Steven Mah, PhD and Melissa Howard
- Drs. Ellen and Jonathan Marmur
- Ruth Merns
- Richard G. Pestell, MD
- Iris G. Phillips
- Mr. and Mrs. Bernard D. Rabbino
- Sander M. Rabin, MD
- Beth A. Rothstein
- Laurence Z. Rubenstein, MD, MPH
- Lewis J. Rubin, MD
- Jeffrey C. Rudikoff, MD
- Jerome Ruskin, MD
- Dr. and Mrs. Arthur E. Schapiro
- Ruth Scheuer
- Elizabeth P. Schneider, MD
- Vern L. Schramm, PhD
- Dr. Ian M. Shivack and Mrs. Ina G. Shivack
- Dr. and Mrs. Samuel C. Silverstein
- Jonathan G. Solomon, MD
- Mr. and Mrs. Martin Spatz
- Bonnie Stein
- Jack Stern, MD, PhD
- Melvin J. Stern, MD
- Robert C. Stern, MD
- Franklin G. Strauss, MD
- Scott Suchin, MD
- Miriam F. Tasini, MD
- Paul Wachter, MD
- Dr. Jill R. Zimmerman and Dr. Michael D. Stifelman
Trusts & Estates:
- Estate of David B. and Rosalind W. Alcott
- Estate of Andrew Amsel
- Iris Barrel Apfel & Carl Apfel Charitable Trust
- Estate of Diane Belfer
- Estate of Harold & Muriel Block
- Gertrud Buchler Trust
- Estate of Herman Buschke
- Estate of Herbert E. Edlis, MD
- Goodstein Memorial Trust
- Irma T. Hirschl Trust
- Estate of Bert Holden
- Benjamin H. Homan, Jr. Charitable Trust
- Estate of Estelle Knapp
- Estate of Louis Kratenstein
- Estate of Anne M. Miller
- Estate of Ira M. Millstein, Esq.
- Estate of Jack Minkoff
- Arnold Penner Revocable Trust
- Eve Pollack Revocable Trust
- Lilly B. Lieb Port Revocable Living Trust
- Estate of Lawrence Ostrow
- Estate of Phillip and Rita Rosen
- Estate of Adele Rothenberg
- Daniel and Frances Schamarock Trust
- Estate of Florence Seiden
- Marilyn W. Seskin Living Trust
- Estate of Alfred and Gertrud Sommerguth
- Estate of Dr. Edmund Sonnenblick
- Estate of Dr. Allan Spielvogel
- Sternlieb Revocable Family Trust
- Estate of Larry Stock
- Estate of Herminie Helen Strnad
Inaugural Legacy Society Luncheon
On Thursday, April 18, 2024 the Albert Einstein Legacy Society held its inaugural luncheon at the University Club in Manhattan. Legacy Society Members and longtime Einstein supporters gathered in celebration of the launch of the society. Over lunch, several members of the community addressed the group, including the Marilyn and Stanley M. Katz Dean, Yaron Tomer, MD; Ruth L. Gottesman, EdD, Chair of the Board of Trustees; inaugural members Vern Schramm, PhD, the Ruth Merns Chair in Biochemistry, and Scott Alintoff, director of the Helen and Irving Spatz Foundation; as well as rising fourth-year M.D. student, Timothy Davis. The program was a meaningful display of the impact that philanthropy can have on the College of Medicine, as well as a rousing testimonial from the members who have been moved to establish their legacy at Albert Einstein College of Medicine.
Enjoy more pictures from the event here.